
Draft document: Recommendations
Submitted by Sadayoshi Kobayashi, N/A
Commenting as an individual

Personal Communication Dear Sirs, I wish to submit a request to the ICRP as regards to the problems of dosimetric quantities. I donft think it is necessary to count out here all the issues of philosophical contradictions, scientific inconsistency or practical illogicalities inherent to the current and draft recommendations. I just wish that the ICRP would give a few moments of thought on this issue. We, as having been engaged in practice, risk assessment and risk communication with the public in the use of radiation and nuclear energy, are seriously in need of a practical, simple, clear and scientifically robust dosimetric system for quantifying exposure to radiation of any kind at any dose range, high or low, that can provide quantitative indication of health risk, and that can be used both prospectively and retrospectively for all kind of exposure situations. This is the essential foundation to build before any sophistication of the systems of radiological protection is ventured. ICRPfs way forward should hopefully be in the direction to establish such a dosimetric system. As it stands now, we are placed in a chaos in this regards, and therefore, I wish the ICRPes coming recommendations shed light in resolving this situation. Sadayoshi Kobayashi
